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The word for "comet" in Japanese is "ほうき星," or "houkiboshi." It is pronounced "hoe-kee-boh-she." You may also use the word "suisei" (pronounced "swee-say").

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Q: What is comet in Japanese?
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What is the Japanese word for comet?

Houki Boshi

How do you say comet in Japanese?

彗星 Suisei

What is the Japanese word for English word comet?

彗星 /sui sei/ means 'comet' in Japanese. 流れ星 /na ga re bo shi/ is the Japanese term for 'shooting star'. 流星 /ryuu sei/ also means 'shooting star, meteor' but more in scientific/literal usage.

What is the word 'comet' when translated from English to Japanese?

彗星 (すいせい) suisei

What is a ball of ice dust and gasses that travels through space and orbits the sun?

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Is Halley's comet a planet or a comet?

It is a comet.

What names are given to different comets?

Comets are typically named after their discoverers, with the addition of a numerical code to indicate the order of discovery in a given time period. For example, Comet Halley is named after astronomer Edmond Halley who predicted its return in 1758. Other comets may be named based on specific characteristics or observations made about them.

What was the comet seen by ancient Mesopotamians?

Halley's Comet

How does a comet begin?

The comet's tail is in front of the comet, not after

What is a dead comet?

a dead comet is>......a out gassed comet.

What is the definition of a comet head?

A comet head is the top of the comet like its nucleus is on the top of the comet.

Which reindeer's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser?

=The reindeer who's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser is COMET=