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Q: What is commonly known as bad breath and is caused by dental diseases or respiratory or gastric disorders?
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Is commonly known as bad breath and is caused by dental diseases or respiratory or gastric disorders?


What is gastric diseases?

Health problems of the stomach.

Where can I go to get information for requirements for a gastric bypass surgery?

Mayoclinic offers a lot of credible information on gastric bypass surgery. Also, at the site listed below you can find information specifically n the symptoms experienced by those who have gastric intestinal disorders or who have had gastric bypass surgery.

Should gastric bypass be covered?

Does medicaid gastric bypass actually work? It turns out that gastric bypass is covered by medicaid. Gastric bypass surgery has been proven so effective that it is covered by medicaid. Most insurance companies recognize that gastric bypass is extremely beneficial for clients that have diseases like morbid obesity because it can lead to several other debilitating illnesses which insurance would be obligated to cover the cost of if they occurred. For this reason, many insurers cover gastric bypass because it can nip so many bad diseases in the bud and cause a reduction in the instances of chronic diseases that are the result of morbid obesity.

Why are people with AIDS or cancer susceptible to undernourishment?

Patients with chronic diseases like cancer, AIDS, intestinal parasites, and other gastric disorders may lose weight rapidly and become susceptible to undernourishment because they cannot absorb valuable vitamins, calories, and iron.

What is nodular mucosa of the duodenal bulb?

There are several diseases and disorders that present as nodular mucosa of the duodenal bulb. Some examples are, heterotopic gastric mucosa, benign lymphoid hyperplasia, Brunner gland hyperplasia, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.small nodularity in the bulb of duodenum

What internal diseases does grapefruit seed extract treat?

Acute and chronic inflammations, colds, flu, gastrointestinal infections, vastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, Candida albicans and other fungal diseases, parasitic diseases, allergies.

Can acupuncture help in gastric problems?

Yes acupuncture can help with all kinds of gastrointestinal disorders. Sometimes herbal therapy is also required.

What are the causes of gastric pain?

A gastric ulcer develops when stomach acids and digestive juices injure the stomach's lining of protective mucus. Gastric ulcers most commonly are caused by the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Aspirin is the NSAID most likely to cause ulcers. The widespread use of NSAIDs may be why the incidence of gastric ulcers in the United States is rising. Gastric ulcers may also develop from the presence of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), decreased resistance of the lining of the stomach to gastric acids, increased production of gastric acids and infection, certain types of medication, and disorders that cause over secretion of stomach juices. Ulcer can also be caused by the use of tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. It is the cause by the over-secretion of stomach juices.

What is the incidence of gastrointestinal disease?

Gastrointestinal diseases (including gastric ulcers) affect an estimated 25-30% of the world's population.

What is gastric residue?

I believe that is "oily" farts. This commonly happens with a certain diet drug. if you see that gastric residue has increased in preterm neonates at 3 to 10 days after birth suspect necrotizing enterocolitis.

What does gastric acid digest?

it gets rid of diseases and poisons that might have been in consumed foods. not only that but it breaks down the food.