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Complement is a collection of proteins found in the blood that are effective against a wide variety of bacteria. Complement can cause bacterial lysis when the C5-C9 proteins are activated by C3. The C9 proteins insert into the bacterial cell membrane causing lysis and destruction of the bacteria.

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Q: What is complement how does it cause bacterial lysis what are some othere roles of complement?
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What bacterial agents causes cellular lysis and release of tissue factors?

Bacterial agents such as Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus) and Staphylococcus aureus can cause cellular lysis and release of tissue factors through the action of toxins they produce. These toxins can disrupt cell membranes, leading to cell death and release of pro-inflammatory tissue factors that can contribute to tissue damage and inflammation.

What system involves plasma proteins activated when they contact a bacterial cell?

The system you are referring to is likely the complement system. This system includes a series of plasma proteins that become activated when they come into contact with a bacterial cell. Activation of the complement system leads to the destruction of the bacterial cell through various mechanisms, including inflammation, opsonization, and cell lysis.

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If complement and SRBC added and hemolysis occur how you will interpretate?

If complement and SRBC are added and hemolysis occurs, it indicates that the complement system is functioning properly. The lysis of the SRBCs suggests that the complement system has been activated in response to the foreign cells, resulting in their destruction. This can be used as an assay to assess the activity of the complement system.

Which agents can cause injury to the bacterial plasma membrane?

There are several types of antibiotics that cause damage to the plasma membrane of bacterial cells. These antibiotics injure the the plasma membrane and cause it to die (lysis of the cell). After the membrane has been damaged or destroyed, the bacteria's contents/nurtients escape and the poisons of the antibiotic are allowed to enter the cell and kill it. Antibiotics have selective toxicity so that they can target specific microbes without damaging the person taking the drug.

How do viruses leave the host cell?

They cause the cell to burst. This is called lysis.

What happens first when a phage infects a bacterial cell and is going to enter a lysogenic cycle?

it becomes a part of the bacterial DNA and it can be replicated into the daughter cells. this cycle doesn't harm the bacterial cell but it can change into the lysis cycle and kill the host cell

Viruses that cause lysis of their hosts are called?

I don't know! Why are you asking me?????