

Best Answer

Computer Programming is a way of creating computer programs. There are different languages which can be sorted basically into two different groups: High Level, or those that are almost English, and Low Level, which are machine code, and may not resemble English. Computer programming is often called "coding". It is the adaptation of a computer language (code) as instructions that the computer can read and follow.

An example of Programming language follows:

Dim starsign1 As String Dim prediction As String

Private Sub cmdcalculate_Click() Call getvalue Call calculate Call display End Sub

Sub getvalue() starsign1 = lststarsign.Text End Sub

The above is an example of computer code called "Visual Basic" This bit of programming, when compiled* would provide the users starsign prediction. This is one of the beginning programming languages taught in most colleges and some high schools. Computer programs are generally designed for specific purposes, such as mathematics, decision making, form filling, writing format, and others, including entertainment such as games, the internet, music, video, etc.

Different computer languages are designed for different uses. Languages such as C++ and BASIC are for general uses, and the DarkBASIC language is primarily used for video-games, while the APL Language is used for mathematical programs.

Computer programming is the process of writing computer code, a specific computer language, to produce a functional program that, used on a computer makes a persons work easier or provides something in seconds that might take a person weeks to do without a computer.

For most programs to function, they must first be compiled. The programming code is entered into a "compiler", a computer program that reads the programmers code, changing it into a language that the computer can read.

Not all computer code needs to be complied. An example would be batch language, also called batch files, an operating system's internal language that can be read directly by the computer's operating system. As example is this batch file that is used to rename all files in the current directory and move them to another directory. Batch files are intended to be easily learned and used, but to the neophyte, batch language, and all computer languages, may appear difficult at first.

(This is a batch file)

@echo off .....................................................Turns the display off

cls .................................................................clears the screen

e: .................................................................changes to drive e:

cd\ music-1 ...................................................changes to directory Music-1

for %%N in (1 2) do ( ...................................renames and moves files

ren e:\music-1%%N\*.cap *.mp3 ................. " "

move e:\music-1%%N\*.mp3 e:\music-2 ...... " "

) .................................................................... " "

exit ................................................................exits the program

Another example of simple code would be:

(This is C# code)

string text = "Hello, User"; (This creates a new variable with text inside of it.)

MessageBox.Show(text); (This displays the text "Hello, User" in a box)

Another Answer

Computer programming allows users (programmers) to modify the behaviour of a computer, thus allowing the same machine to perform more than one task, depending upon the currently executing program. Modern computers can actually run several programs at once (known as multi-tasking), however each task must be programmed separately. But the operating system is the only program that is actually running at any one time. All it's really doing is switching rapidly between all the other programs to make them appear as though they are running all at once, as well as carrying out its own "house-keeping" duties.

How computers are programmed

Every binary computer has a small set of instructions that can be executed by supplying the appropriate instruction code, in binary. All instruction codes are the same length (in bits), and each is mapped directly to an unique binary sequence. For instance, an 8086 machine has around 100 separate instructions, each of which does something very simple, such as moving a memory address or an immediate value into a CPU register, comparing the values of two CPU registers, shifting bits in a CPU register, adding or subtracting the values of two registers, or jumping to another point entirely in the binary sequence. There are only a small number of registers available to the CPU and many of the instructions will simply modify one or more of those registers depending on the content of other registers. The next instruction can then inspect the state of those registers in order to determine how to proceed, such as whether it is to continue to the next instruction or to jump to another point in the sequence where it will find the next instruction. Thus the machine can make decisions based upon the result of a previous instruction.

Entering these binary sequences by hand is a time-consuming process and is extremely prone to error; entering just one bit incorrectly can dramatically alter the way the code, and therefore the machine, will operate. To simplify and speed up the process, computer programmers use a human-readable language known as Assembler Language, where each instruction code is mapped to an easy-to-identify mnemonic (such as ADD, MOV, CMP and JMP) and the operands can be symbolised using a choice binary (base 2), octal (base 8), decimal (base 10) or hexadecimal (base 16) notation. However, Assembler code must be translated into machine code in order to actually execute, thus the programmer must write a simple machine code program, an Assembler, in order to achieve this. The Assembler takes the Assembly Language source code as input and outputs the appropriate machine code, which can then be executed.

Because Assembler has a one-to-one relationship with the resulting machine-specific code, it is known as a low-level language. Every machine has its own version of Assembler thus code that is specific to one machine cannot be translated on another machine unless that machine has the exact same set of instructions and registers -- the same underlying architecture. In other words, the code is platform-specific.

However, Assembler Language allows programmers to create compilers and interpreters which can translate high-level languages such as C++ or BASIC into machine code. High-level languages are much less reliant upon the underlying architecture of the machine, thus code written in a high-level language is far more portable. So long as a suitable compiler or interpreter exists, high-level machine-independent code can be translated into the required machine-specific code. Moreover, high-level compilers in conjunction with the low-level Assembler can be used to create more compact and efficient Assemblers and compilers.

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It is when you "tell" a computer what to do and how to do it. That's what you do after you make a computer from scratch.

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A computer programming is a person that makes programs for a computer.

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