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This comes from the famous Gettysburg Address, given by President Lincoln during the Civil War. He was referring to the fact that when the US was created, it was a nation whose birth came about because we wanted to be a free country and not a colony of England. It was conceived in liberty-- in other words, the desire to be free (to have liberty from England, and to create a free country) caused the United States to be conceived (born).

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Q: What is conceived in liberty mean?
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Part of speech conceived in liberty?

"Conceived in liberty" is a verbal phrase. It follows the direct object, "A New Nation." It modifies the word Nation. Therefore, it is used as an adjective.

Who is the one who though of buliding the Statue of Liberty?

The designer of the Statue of Liberty was Brother Frederic A. Bartholdi who conceived its design while on a visit to America.

What does Lincoln mean when he says conceived in liberty and what is the historical significance?

When Lincoln says "conceived in liberty," he means that the United States was founded with the idea that all individuals are born with inherent rights and freedoms. This phrase emphasizes that the country was established on principles of equality and liberty, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Historically, it symbolizes America's commitment to these ideals and has served as a rallying cry for civil liberties movements throughout its history.

In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln said the civil war was a test of what?

Wether the nation conceived in liberty could long endure.

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Roughly, yes

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