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their health!!

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Q: What is considerably lower in Africa that is not in most other countries?
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What is the major religion in botswanna Africa?

Christianity, and it has a lower crime rate than most of the other countries in Africa.

How does the population of Africa compare to that of US?

The population of Africa is larger the reason being that most of them have no access to contraception.They are considerably poorer than many other parts of the world because most african countries are led by corrupt politicians.

What countries to belong Africa?

South Africa IS a country and doesn't have other countries. They are located on the continent of Africa.

How does South Africa compares to other African countries?

because it is in the South of Africa whereas other countries are in the north, south and west of Africa

What countries is chocolate from?

Africa Africa is a continent not a country. Chocolate cmes from Mexico and other Central and South American countries.

Why do south Africa grow theirs own foods why not get them from other countries like other countries do?

Because South Africa is self sufficient enough.

Does South Africa export products to Africa?

South Africa is in Africa. It exports products to many other countries in Africa.

What food does South Africa export to other countries?

it is northern part of africa

What are the Causes of migration to South Africa?

South Africa is the most developed and industrialised country on the continent of Africa. Many African people migrate to South Africa in search of jobs and the better lifestyle that it offers than in most African countries.There are others who migrate to South Africa because it has a stable democracy with excellent infrastructure and offers many business opportunities.Finally there are those choose South Africa as a place to retire because the cost of living is considerably lower than Europe or other first world countries and it enables retirees to live in a standard of luxury that might not otherwise be available in their own country.

Where does Africa get its fuel?

mainly from donations from other countries.

What separates North Africa from south Africa?

Mainly the Sahara desert and other countries.

Where is African safari?

Usually in Kenya, Africa but, you can find others in other countries of Africa