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The lower jaw (mandible) may be dislocated by force.

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Q: What is considered a maxillofacial trauma to the jaw?
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What is maxillofacial trauma?

Maxillofacial trauma refers to any injury to the face or jaw caused by physical force, foreign objects, or burns.

What injuries to the teeth are considered a maxillofacial trauma?

Teeth may be knocked out or loosened.

What dangers exist with maxillofacial trauma?

A fractured nose or jaw may affect the ability to breathe or eat. Any maxillofacial trauma may also prevent the passage of air or be severe enough to cause a concussion or more serious brain injury.

A maxillofacial trauma refers to injury to what part of the face?

Maxillofacial trauma includes injuries to any of the bony or fleshy structures of the face.

Why are statistics for maxillofacial trauma difficult to pin down?

There are no reliable statistics on the incidence of maxillofacial trauma because there are so many types and many are not reported.

What type of injury is a burn to the face?

Burns to the face are also categorized as maxillofacial trauma.

Where is a diagnosis of maxillofacial trauma usually made?

Trauma is usually diagnosed in an emergency room or physician's office by physical examination and/or x ray.

What is involved in correcting a serious jaw fracture?

The jaw must be surgically immobilized by a qualified oral or maxillofacial surgeon or an otolaryngologist. The jaw is properly aligned and secured with metal pins and wires.

How can traumatic injury be prevented?

Safety equipment is vital to preventing maxillofacial trauma from automobile accidents and sports.

How many maxillofacial trauma cases occur each year?

There are an estimated 300,000 cases every year.

What is the maxillofacial region?

it is the region in the face, jaws and any other structural part of the face. for example, if you need wisdom teeth taken out because of jaw complications then you go to a maxillofacial surgeon to check you out

Who is competent to perform jaw wiring surgery?

Jaw wiring surgery can be performed by an oral or maxillofacial surgeon (a specially trained dentist), or by an otolaryngologist (a doctor specializing in surgeries of the head and neck).