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Q: What is considered a normal resting heart rate for most?
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Ideal resting heart rate for a 47 year old male?

The ideal resting heart rate for a 47-year-old male is typically between 60-100 beats per minute. A lower resting heart rate is generally considered healthier as it indicates a strong cardiovascular system. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help lower resting heart rate.

What is the normal heart beat rate for an adult?

Some highly trained athlete's heart rates can drop into the low 30s but most people are between 45 and 60. Usually figure about 10% lower than your resting heart rate

What is the medical term meaning built-in or intrinsic rhythm of heart contractions?

AutorhythmicityThe heart is made of tissue that is specific to the cardiac muscle. The beating of the heart, in most healthy individuals, intrinsically arises in the SA (sino atrial node) in the upper right chamber of the heart. A normal resting heart rate is commonly considered to be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. In some very well trained athletes or in periods of meditation a normal resting heart rate may be less than 60.

What is the dangerous heart rate for an eleven to twelve year old?

60-100 beats per minute is a normal resting heart rate for most individuals.

Is a pulse rate of 79 good?

To be considered normal, an individual needs to have a systolic pressure less than 120, and a diastolic pressure under 80, or 120/80 mmHg.Prehypertension is classified as 120-139/80-89.High blood pressure stage 1 is 140-159/90-99.High blood pressure stage 2 is 160+/100+.As for heart rate, a normal individual has a resting heart rate within 60-100 bpm.

How should you interpret your resting heart rate?

According to the NHS, most adults have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). A general rule is that the fitter you are, the lower your resting heart rate is likely to be. For athletes - or people who often perform cardiovascular activity - a normal resting heart rate may be closer to 40 beats a minute.If your your heart rate is continuously above 120 bpm or below 40 bpm you should consult a doctor.Your resting heart rate range will also vary by age and gender therefore for more information - refer related link.

A species has a normal resting systolic blood pressure of 260 mm hg what is the most probable hypothesis?

An animal that has a very long distance between its heart and its brain.

Is 132109 normal blood pressure rate 81 as pulse rate normal for a 17 yr old female?

Very normal! Normal is 60-100. My resting was never above 60, most peoples are ~72.

Why is it important to monitor the rate at which your heart beats?

Heart rate helps determine a person's state of health. If you body is under stress, either psychological or physical, your heart rate will increase. Knowing what your normal heart rate is can help you determine your healthy resting heart rate and also a good "target heart rate" which is a range of beats per minute you need to reach in order to get an effective cardiovascular workout. Also, being able to compare past and present resting heart rates can help you keep track of your heart health. Heart disease or high blood pressure can also effect heart rate. Heart rate is so simple to take from a patient, and holds so much telling information.

What should the pulse rate of a 73 year old male be?

For most people a resting heart rate of 57 is fine. Medical guidelines put "normal" resting pulse (heart) rates at 60-100 BPM. 3 points off is nothing to worry about. Young, healthy, athletic individuals tend to have lower resting heart rates, than other folks. Some medications, such as digitalis, will slow the heart rate. People on medications used to specifically slow the heart rate usually use "60" as a cut off for holding such medicines.

When you get older does your heart beat faster or slower?

For the most part, yes. Your bpm ([heart] beats per minute) is how your heart beat is usually measured. A resting heart rate lower than about 72 bpm is considered healthy. You can lower your bpm by exercising regularly. However, a heart beat of 0 bpm means your dead, which isn't healthy.

Is resting pulse rate of 54 to low?

The normal resting heart rate for an adult human is in the 65-75 range. a resting rate of 47 is not a low resting heart rate as long as you are very fit. The heart is a muscle and the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes. The stronger your heart is the more blood it pumps with each contraction, so it does not have to pump as rapidly. People who are very fit that have resting heart rates in the 40-50 range. Ryan Shay, a very successful elite marathoner died in the middle of the 2008 Olympic marathon trials due to a heart condition. If you become short of breath with walking up stairs or running a short distance especially if accompanied by chest, arm, or jaw pain and/or excessive perspiration, see a doctor immediately.