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Composted manure of any farm animal is manure that has been composted properly for the amount of time necessary to completely break down the material into it's basic organic components. Composted material is best identified by sight and touch: It is black, loose, crumbly, moist and has no smell to speak of. How long it takes to compost manure, or any other organic material, depends on the mixtutre of materials in the pile, moisture, aeration (turned piles compost much faster) and temperature. In a well maintained compost pile in summertime, complete composting can take place in as little as six weeks. When farmers spread horse manure "raw" on a field, they are assuming it will have three to six months breakdown time before that field is planted.

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Q: What is considered composted horse manure?
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Many people used composted horse manure to grow gardens.

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It is likely that you can get some forms of feces and manure on eBay...for example, you might find an auction for one of these fecal products (many are used in gardening for fertilizer):Guano (high nitrogen feces and urine from bats and some marine animals)Cow manure (a composted product used for gardening)Horse manure (a composted product used for gardening)Llama manure (a composted product used for gardening)Rabbit manure (a composted product used for gardening)Pig manure (a composted product used for gardening)Chicken manure (a composted product used for gardening)Fossilized feces, called coprolites (collected by paleontologists and others)

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Water, well composted horse manure and straw. Water the rose plant well, lightly dig in well composted horse manure and cover the base of the plant with a thick layer of straw.

Does horse feces turn into hay?

No, horse feces does not turn into hay. Horse feces is composted and it turns into horse manure. This is used as a fertilizer.

What does manure smell like?

Composted or fermented grass.

What is a mixture of organic material that can be used as a fertilizer?

Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

What is a mixture of dead organic material that can be used as fertilizer?

Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

Is a mixture of dead organic material that can be used as fertilizer.?

Compost, leaf mould, manure, composted manure etc

What is the best way to use manure for fertilizer?

Horse manure needs to be composted for about one year before it is safe to place around plants. You compost manure in mush the same way you would anything else. Once it reaches the consistency of dirt then it's safe to use. Most people seem to have their own 'recipes' for composts.

Can Miracle-Gro organic sol replace composted manure?

No, Miracle-Gro organic soil does not necessarily replace composted manure. The answer is dependent upon the specific garden context and plant type. Organic soil offers minerals and nutrients whereas composted manure is organic matter that oftentimes is applied to jump-start lush root and shoot growth.

How farmer grow genuine corn?

By fertilizing it with composted manure and chicken guts.

What does horse manure smell of?

The dominant odor of horse manure is ammonia.