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Q: What is considered for the seat selection processs-only the cet marks or both cet and puc marks?
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Can 555 timer be considered a digital device?

You can use it in both analog and digital circuits but it is considered as a digital device.

What is the difference between bubble sort and selection sort in pascal?

The traditional bubble sort moves any number of elements at most one position per iteration, while selection sort moves exactly one element per iteration. Both sorts require an exponential amount of time to produce their results.

What is the difference between insertion sort and selection sort?

Both bubble sort and selection sort are in-place sorts, which means they require no additional space to sort. Both are O(n). Both also share worst/average case time complexities of O(n2). Selection sort also has O(n2) for a best case scenario, while an intelligent bubble sort implementation will have O(n) for a best case (already sorted) scenario. Note that while looking at the numbers above seem to show that bubble sort has a slight edge over selection sort, in practice you should choose selection over bubble. It will very nearly always perform better in real-time tests.

Is there any medium level language in computers?

Yes. C and C++ are both considered medium level languages because they both allow low and high level programming. However, both are regarded as being high-level languages because, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as an intermediate level language.

Three factors that often influence the selection of a manufacturing site?

Cost structure - both variable and fixed (taxes etc.). Workforce - available and trainable Market access - close enough to supply inputs and customers Transportation network - access to roads, railroads, seaports, airports.

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Which natural selection select against both extremes?

Stabilizing selection.

Where is timing marks on 92 Nissan pickup?

check both of your pulleys,they have marks on them.

What do stabilization selection and disruptive selection have in common?

They both decrease genetic variation. Stabilizing selection and disruptive selection reduce genetic variation

What do stabilizing selection directional selection have in common?

They both decrease genetic variation .

Does natural selection affect individuals populations or both?


Is directional selection considered a random change?

Directional Selection is a more extreme form of the trait is favored. Ex. Flamingoes with longer legs and necks. Punctuated Equilibrium is sudden changes, then long periods without change- may be a combination of both.

what do stabilizing selection and direction and directional selection have in common?

They both decrease genetic variation .

What do stabilizing selection and disruptive selection have in common apex?

They both decrease genetic variation

The mode of natural selection in which both extremes in the range of a phenotype are favored is termed?

That would be disruptive selection.

Should question marks be placed before or after exclamation marks?

Question marks should be placed before exclamation marks when a sentence contains both. For example: "Did you see that amazing performance?!"

What is the minimum passing marks in ipcc if you will give both groups together?

dear all if you taking both groups you have to secure minimum 40 marks of each papers and aggregate marks will be more than 50% in all papers of both groups kantharaj bangalore

Selection occurs when the environment continually eliminates extremes at both ends of a range of phenotypes?

Stabilizing selection.