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Q: What is considered the largest military operation in history and caused the USSR to join the Allies?
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What was the largest land-sea-air operation in military history that opened another front of war on Germany in world war 2?

"Operation Overlord" .

Which was the largest coordinated land in military history?

Not sure, but possibly Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the USSR in 1941.

What was the largest land-sea-air operation in history?

D-Day was the single largest Land-Sea-Air operation in Military history with more then 160,000 Allied troops landing along a 50 mile stretch of beach. 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft were along to support the landing.

Was d day the largest military operation in us history?

No, while Operation Overlord (the Allied landings at Normandy) is the largest amphibious invasion in history with over 156,000 invading troops taking part in the landing, Operation Barbarossa (the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941) is the largest overall invasion in history, involving 4,500,000 troops and nearly resulting in the captures of Moscow and Leningrad.

Who had the largest military in history?

the largest military in history was the Mongolian civilization. Ghengis Khan united hundreds of clans in north and north east Asia. once he united them he spread all over Asia creating the largest civilization and army in history

Was Alexander the Great really great?

He is usually considered great due to his successful military campaigns along with his creation of one of the largest empires in ancient history.

Why was world war 2 the largest war in history?

Largest military AND civilian casualty and death rate.

Country invaded by Hitler in the winter of 1941?

In the middle and end of 1941, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union. It involved more men and caused more casualties than any other military operation in human history.

Operation Market Garden?

It was a failed airborne allied mission in the fight over Germany and the Netherlands. It was thE largest of military operations at the time.

4 What was the largest full scale military attack in history and how was it carried out?

D-Day June 6, 1944 of course! How do you not know that? The boats carrying thousands of American, Canadian, and British troops stormed the 5 Normandy Beaches off the North-West coast of France. Disregard the above answer. It is completely wrong. Operation Barbarossa, the German attack on the USSR was the biggest attack in history. 2nd was Operation Zitadelle. 3rd was Operation Bagration. 4th was the Soviet attack on Manchuria. 5th was the US attack on Okinawa, then Operation Overlord.

Was D-Day the largest land- sea- air operation in army history?

Yes 3,000,000 allied soldiers participated in it

Why is the great wall considered one of the largest feats in history?

because it can be seen from space