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Q: What is considered when evaluating a piece of art?
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Which is a good guideline when evaluating art?

Which is a good guideline when evaluating art?

When looking for a piece of art, it is important to find the work aesthetically pleasing. More than that, it should be nicely framed, and have no blemishes or rips.

What piece of art is considered Michelangelo's gratest work?

the statue of David

Which question would be least helpful in evaluating an opinion piece or editorial?

Evaluating an editorial or an opinion piece is the name of the author, although the qualifications of the author should be of good reputation.

What did Picasso mean when he stated if a work of art cannot live always in the present then it must not be considered at all?

Art should be eternal. A piece of art which is about the past and has no relation to today, is not relevant.

Do art examiners appreciate cartoons as a final piece?

Whether or not an art examiner appreciates a cartoon as a final piece would depend greatly on the art examiner. Cartoons are valid forms of art and involve rendering skill as well as a great amount of creativity, there is no logical reason why they wouldn't be considered as worthy as other art pieces.

Which of these questions is not typically considered when evaluating web content?

Without the questions it is hard to know what may not be considered. However, accuracy and honestly are important when evaluating web content.

What kind of painting is an art deco ring?

An art deco ring is not painted, but it is a beautifully ornate piece of metalwork that is often considered quite valuable. Art deco is an artistry style from the 1920s and 30s, and is known for its use of geometric shapes. For its time, art deco was considered to be rather modern.

What is a good guideline to follow when evaluating art?

stand by your immediate emotional response

What is the best art of Egypt?

my but is an art a piece of art

What art movement was Do Ho Suh in for his piece Someone?

No particular movement, per se, but Some/One and much of Do Ho Suh's work is installation art, some of which could also be considered interactive art.

What is the definition of a Masterpiece?

Any work of art that stands the test of time and is met with critical praise is considered a Masterpiece. In addition, the most outstanding piece of an artist's oeuvre will be considered a masterpiece. It can be a painting, piece of writing, photo, song, film or sculpture.