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Q: What is conversation play script?
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What do you call a play with no script?

a play with no script is called improv.

Translate this conversation From Afghan-Farsi using English script?

Sure, you can provide the conversation in Afghan-Farsi script, and I will translate it to English for you.

What do the three dots in a play script mean?

The three dots (...) in a play script indicate a pause in dialogue, often to convey a hesitation or unfinished thought by a character. It suggests a moment of silence or contemplation before continuing the conversation.

What are differences between play script and drama?

the difference between play script and drama are the play script has couching and drama is no couchingbow Myra 18 "{P?"{::"""

What do you call a written version of a play?


What is a script of telephone conversation?

A script of a telephone conversation is basically just written out in a script like: Bob: The cat is gone. Adam: Really that is crazy it could damage the city. Bob: i know Adam: You know! You were the one making sure it didn't get out! Bob: I'm sorry Boss, Bye.

What is the definition of 'dialog' in literature?

a dialogue is a conversation in speech or in writing between two or more persons. The word also means the words spoken by actors in a drama.

What are written words of a play?

It is the play's script.

Script of reservation via telephone conversation?

The script for a reservation via a telephone conversation should let the customer service rep first get the caller's telephone number. You should also thank the person for calling even if they decide to not make a reservation.

What are Written words of a play called?

It is the play's script.

Is Java script needed for Poptropica?

No, Java script is not needed to play poptropica.

What do you call the script for a play?

A plays script is sometimes referred to as the plays book.