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Q: What is correct ...your patience and consideration are truly appreciated or your patience and consideration is truly appreciated?
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How do you spell truer?

The correct spelling is truly (actually, really).

What is the correct way of closing a letter Yours truly?

Yours truly,

Is it truly or truely?

The spelling truly is correct. The E is dropped from true when adding -LY.

Proper spelling of 'yours truly'?

Yours Truly. You've already spelt it correctly.

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It has two E's as does sincere. The spelling is "sincerely".

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The correct spelling is "sincerely" (truly, honestly).

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Thanks - I have sorted this problem out. Thanks to everyone who has attempted to answer my question but has not sucessed. I truly and thankly thank you for all your efforts that you went through to try and answer my question. It is gratefully appreciated and i thank you truly.

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Correct spelling: I am truly sorry. is this a real question?

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Well, I don't think Zexion loves anybody because he is a nobody and he doesn't have any that's my answer.////NO U FAT IDIOT HE LOVES PATIENCE MCDONALD and he also luvs aqua but not as much as he loves Patience-thats my answer

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The answer is debatable, so there can never truly be a "100% correct" answer

What the plural form of bass?

The plural form of BASS is BASSES. It's truly grammatically correct.