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The turbinates at the top of the nose are moist and exist to moisten air as it enters the respiratory tract.

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Q: What is covered with damp air and are found in the top of the nose?
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What is damp stale air?

A noun for damp, stale air is must or mustiness; the adjectives are musty or dank.

Is hot air richer in oxygen than damp air?

hot air is richer in oxygen than damp air because when you sex a girl it is hot

What are two functions of the nose?

The nose both warms and filters incoming air. The thorough vasculature of the nose allows blood from the body to warm the incoming air while the nasal conchae and meatii are covered with mucosal epithelium that capture dust and particulate matter and cilia that propel the mucus produced.

What is blackdamp?

Blackdamp is another term for choke damp - an asphyxiant found in enclosed places such as mines and sewers after oxygen has been removed from the air.

Does a nail rust faster when the air is damp or dry?

it rusts faster when it is damp cause the moisture of the damp and oxygen when they meet they create rust

Which air contains more damp inhaled or exhaled air?


Does tiny hair in your nose help to trap water vapour found in the air?

No. It only helps to trap dust

Why do guys have nose hair?

Nose hair filters air that is passing through the nose, for example, dust particles in the air.

What parts of the nose which keep the air warm and moist?

The fine nose hair and the mucus. The mucus moist the air and the nose hair traps the dust and cleans the air.

Why you always breath in air by the help of nose?

you don't breath in air with the help of your nose the time.

Sentence with the word moisture?

If there is too much moisture in the air, the air will feel cold and damp.

What is the region of thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms occur when there is warm air that rises. This air must also be damp or moisturized. Therefore, areas that are warm and humid are usually where thunderstorms occur. (These places are most commonly found around the equator)