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Q: What is created when the nucleus of an atom is split apart in the process called nuclear fission?
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Does nuclear fission require a full electron shell?

No. Nuclear fission is a process that involves the nucleus, not electron shells.

Why is fission called nuclear?

The process of nuclear fission involves splitting the nucleus of an atom into two smaller nuclei.

The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called?

The splitting of an atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission.

What is the process of a neutron splitting a nucleus into two parts?

Nuclear fission.

What term is use to describe splitting a large atomic nucleus into smaller ones?

Nuclear fission is defined as splitting large nuclei into smaller ones.

What is the process where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts in a reactor?

A. nuclear fusion C. Atomic Fracture B. Nuclear Fission D. Transformation thie correct answer will be A. nuclear Fusion.

Introduction of nuclear fission and fission?

It is a process, in which a heavy nucleus is broken down in to two or more medium heavy fragments. It is used in nuclear reactor and atom bomb.

What are different types nuclear heat?

fission: nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller partsfusion: nuclear fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together "fuse"

What is the processes of fission?

Energy is released when the the mass of the nucleus of an atom is reduced by the release of neutrons and gamma photons during the process of nuclear fission.

What is the nuclear fission is the fusing of nuclei to become one single atom?

No. That's a description of the process of nuclear " fusion ".Nuclear " fission " is the splitting of one single atomic nucleus into two or more nuclei.

Is hydrogen ever created in nature by nuclear fission?

Yes In high temperature gas cooled nuclear fission reactors using the nuclear process heat.

What happens when you split a nucleus?

You can't. You can't split atoms, which have a nucleus, so therefore you can¡t split the nucleus, which is an even smaller, inner part. It's mathematically and scientifically impossible! Actually no, Nuclear energy used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs use the energy from a split nucleus of plutonium or uranium. So why is it that you think that a nucleus cannot be split when the USA has used a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki..... Genius.