

What is cuso4 aqueous colour?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is cuso4 aqueous colour?
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The solution of CuSO4 is blue.The solution of FeSO4 is green.

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boil it thats it

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It depends on the copper charge.Cu2SO4(aq) or CuSO4(aq)

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You get a sodium sulfate deposit.

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The formula unit for copper II sulfate is CuSO4.

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You get a precipitate that is a sky blue and clear solution.

What color is pasta when copper sulphate and sodium chloride is mixed with it?

Pasta is yellow and CuSO4 is blue, so the resulting colour would be green. If you added a larger quantity of CuSO4 you would probably get a slightly bluer colour.

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In aqueous solution blue precipitates of Copper (II) hydroxide are formed, CuSO4 + 2NaOH = Cu(OH)2 + Na2SO4

How do you separate water from a mixture of oil and water?

Add some amount of copper sulphate(CuSO4) in the mixture. the water molecules get attracted to CuSO4 molecules and it will turn into blue colour(CuSO4.5H2O) The oil will be in normal colour so you can differentiate them.