

What is cutaneous gas exchange?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The process by which an animal can breathe without lungs ie. through moist skin. Oxygen can pass through the skin into the blood capillaries close to the skin surface. Examples are amphibians, specifically the 'lungless salamanders'.

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Q: What is cutaneous gas exchange?
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The capillaries in the frog's skin allow it to breathe using a process called cutaneous gas exchange. This allows frogs to breathe underwater.

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Gas exchange is a function of respiration not digestion.

Define cutaneous respiration of frog?

Unlike mammals who absorb oxygen through the alveolar in their lungs, frogs are able to use their skin as a surface for gas exchange. The capillaries carry oxygen poor blood underneath the skin so that the oxygen in the air or water will be transported into the blood.

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Alveoli is where gas exchange occurs.