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Cutting is when you cut any part of your body so that you can focus on that pain instead of the pain youre feeling on the inside.

It's not exactly a sport but some people treat it like one. I cut myself for about a year of and on. Some of my friends who also cut would show me and we'd talk about it. It relieves stress, pain, and grief. No, it's not something good, but it works for some people and its better than suicide.

Its a way to "vent our feelings" as my doctor says.

Self-mutilation, by cutting, cigarette burns, and the like, is not a suicidal action. It is the displacement of unbearable emotional pain with the (actually) more bearable physical pain. However, in order to deal with the emotional pain, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is the current standard of care.

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Q: What is cutting if you're in emotional pain?
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How do you stop cutting without seeking professional help?

It is my understanding that people do it because the self inflicted pain distracts them from the emotional pain they are feeling. First you must address your emotional pain. Find out why you are cutting. What is it that you do not want to feel, what pain are you trying to cover up? Then you must address that pain, eliminate that stress from your life. Cutting is an addiction as well. You have to want to stop in order to stop. You just stop doing it, use your will power, be strong. But if you are a cutter you probably need professional help, not particularly to stop cutting but to address the deep emotional pain that you are feeling.

How do you cut yurself with out the pain?

You don't. Cutting usually indicates some sort of emotional problem, and you really should talk to a mental health professional about it. Remember, cutting can lead to infections and scars, as well as pain!

If you have been a cutter since age 11 you are now 25 and still suffer from this disorder you seek help but still find it hard to stop because you cut to cover the emotional pain you have in your life?

well I'm 16 turning 17 and I've been cutting for 5 years and 4 months In my experience with cutting it's very addictive because your body releases natural pain killers. and cutting doesn't solve your emotional pain it only masks them but, if you cut every time your feeling the emotional pain trying to depress it, the pain will always be there until you finally face what your running from. and a 25 year old who's been cutting since they were 11 obviously doesn't want to deal with their problem and instead runs from them.

What is club cutting?

Well, there may be other meanings to this term but in some cases it refers to a group of people cutting their own bodies as a way to escape emotional pain or for other reasons. if you believe this is the definition look up more information by searching; cutting, group cutting, or cutting parties.



What hurts more physical pain or emotional pain?

physical pain only last for a little while.......emotional pain can last forever

Who hurts more the one who inflicted the emotional pain or the person who was hurt?

normally the emotional pain person

What does it mean if you cut your wrist?

It is a type of self injury, it could mean that the person has such strong emotional and/or mental pain they turn it into physical pain. They might think the pain goes away that way, but it only lasts for a little and cutting, or any type or self injury, can be addictive.

If im depressed and want to cut myself is that normal?

Of course that's not normal, how often do you walk down the street and see every person with gash marks on their arms? Cutting is usually a way to distract from emotional pain your feeling...face that emotional pain, figure it out, help it...then ta da! The feeling the need to cut will go away.

Should emotional pain go untreated?

No, emotional pain is something that has happened recently like a death or family problems but they make drugs for emotional pain

Why is cutting yourself so bad?

God is good and all but it is YOUR body. Do what you want with it. From personal experience, cutting yourself is very addictive and once you start, it's your first answer to getting rid of emotional pain. If it gets too bad, you may want to see a counsler

How can aspirin help you?

By taking this medicine, the pain youre feeling will be gone. Aspirin have chemicals in it which are pain killers..