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It determines the shape of the cell.

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Keely Brakus

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Q: What is cytoskeletons job in the cell?
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What is localized in the cell wall?

mostly cytoskeletons and ectoplasm

What Organelle that modifies packages and transports materials out of the cell?

Golgi Apparatus

What are found in animal and plant cells?

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What are cytoskeletons?

cy·to·skel·e·tonn.The internal framework of a cell, composed largely of actin filaments and microtubules.Source:

Does cells have cytoskeletons made of bone?

No, cytoskeletons are made of protein filaments

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What are the cytoskeletons made up of?

The three different kinds of cytoskeletons are: * Microtubules * microfilaments * intermediate filaments

Which part of a cell provides support and helps it to keep its shape?

The cell's cytoskeleton provides support and helps maintain its shape. It is composed of protein filaments that give structural support to the cell and assist in cellular movement and division.

Is cytoskeleton in a animal cell?

Cytoskeletons are located inside of a cell. They give the cell shape and sometimes allow unicellar organisms to move. They do this by stretching their cytoskeletons.

Locomotion in ameoba?

Amoebas extend their tubulin cytoskeletons into a section of the cell and form pseudopodia that drag the rest of the amoeba along on the direction of travel.

Organelle that modifies packages and transports materials out of the cell?

The Golgi complex is an organelle found in many eukaryotic cells. These organelles package and transport proteins and other materials out of the cell.

What is the function of cytoskeletons?

It supports and give shape to the cell.It anchors the organells.