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Data places in context refers to the practice of considering the broader setting or environment in which data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. This involves understanding the potential biases, assumptions, and limitations that may impact the data's reliability and relevance. By placing data in context, we can make more informed decisions and draw more accurate conclusions from the information presented.

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Q: What is data places in context or summarized?
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Data that has been summarized otherwise manipulated for use in decision making is called?

Processed data.

What is explicit data and implicit data?

Explicit data is data that is clearly stated or defined, while implicit data is implied or hinted at. Explicit data is typically straightforward and directly provided, whereas implicit data requires context or interpretation to understand its meaning. In the context of programming, explicit data is data that is clearly declared and specified, while implicit data is data that is inferred or derived.

What is the data granularity?

Data granularity refers to the level of detail present in a dataset. It describes the extent to which data is broken down into smaller parts, such as individual data points or intervals. A dataset with high granularity contains more detailed information, while a dataset with low granularity contains broader, summarized data.

What are advantages and disadvantages of context data model?

Advantages of context data model include improved data organization and management, better understanding of relationships among data entities, and enhanced data retrieval efficiency. Disadvantages may include increased complexity of data modeling and potential challenges in defining and maintaining contextual relationships accurately.

What is context data?

Context data refers to information or details that help provide background or additional understanding about a situation, event, or concept. It can include things like the time, location, environment, individuals involved, and any relevant circumstances that help to clarify or interpret the data being analyzed or discussed. Context data is important for forming a complete picture and making informed decisions.

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Data granularity in a data warehouse?

Granularity refers to the level of detail of the data stored fact tables in a data warehouse. High granularity refers to data that is at or near the transaction level. Data that is at the transaction level is usually referred to as atomic level data. Low granularity refers to data that is summarized or aggregated, usually from the atomic level data. Summarized data can be lightly summarized as in daily or weekly summaries or highly summarized data such as yearly averages and totals.

Why must accounting data be classified and summarized?

This is the whole purpose of accounting. Data and financial information needs to be classified, summarized, recorded, interpreted and communicated to owners, managers and other interested parties, to make sure all the bookkeeping is lined up and being sent to the right places.

What allows data to be summarized and charted?


What does a summarie?

A general, shortened explanation of a long description.Historical context of the original text- apexThe name and author of the text being summarized. (Apex)A. Your original questionB. Your predictionD. Your observations/data

What allows data to be summarized and charted in excel?


What should a summary include to help the reader better understanding the text being summarized?

Information about the historical context of the text being summarized. (Apex)

Three different ways to record a summarized data?

name three ways to record four summarize data

What pivot tool displays summarized data as a graph?

white tip spider

What allows data to be easily summarized and charted?

Usually spreadsheet or database software.

What is Data that has been summarized or otherwise manipulated for use in decision-making is called?


What is an aggregate dataset?

Aggregate data is data combined from multiple measurements. When this happens, the grouped observations are summarized based on those observations.

What are three different ways you could record or summarize data in your science journal?

Your data might be summarized in the form of tables, charts, or graphs, or they might be recorded in a paragraph .