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Protein profiling is a process that lets individuals quickly discover the differences in the spectra of protein samples from minute sample sizes. Once discovered, a large sample can be used to find and purify with other arrays.

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Q: What is definition of protein profiling?
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What is protein profiling?

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Definition of sample profiling?

Describing a person or place. Example: his profiling was accurate.

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The definition of the word fap is is type of protein which is call Fibrolast Activation Protein which is an alpha protein. It is a human gene and encodes for proteases.

Is racial profiling similar to pschological profiling?

no racail profiling is based soley on their age and the color of their skin

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A protein is by definition, a chain of amino acids.

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Here's a bias based profiling link that explains it well:

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What is reprofiling?

Reprofilling is not a word but profiling is. Profiling is like, the side of something , the (profile) of something.

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The definition of a microfilament is a stringy protein found in most cells. The structure of a microfilament is a long, thing string-like protein and its function is to help the cell move. The biogenesis of a microfilament is a protein called actin.

Give three original examples of racial profiling?

When police officers pullover more minorities, that is racial profiling. Clerks that follow minorities around in the store are racial profiling. Another instance of racial profiling is when individuals try to change the incomes of NBA players.

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Protein coagulation is the reaction in which a protein changes from a liquid state to a semi-solid or solid state in the presence of heat, pressure or chemicals.