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Q: What is dickens purpose in telling about the four servants making hot chocolate?
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An Oompa-Loompa, played by Deep Roy

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to be a chugger?

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It means by telling a story of enjoying

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Filomena's purpose in telling her story may be to entertain her companions during their time together, to share a moral lesson or insight, or to assert her own viewpoint or experiences within the group.

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They sent letters home telling their fellow Englishmen that the American colonies offered special opportunities for freedom.

In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens chapter 40 who did magwitch say came with him?

He was very vague about telling Pip who came with him, so we do not know exactly who in this chapter

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When someone asks "what is a storyteller's purpose" they are asking you for what reason did the author write this story. In other words what was his/her purpose for telling the story.

What was roald dahl favourite choclate?

i dont know for a fact but i think it was chocolate trufflesany1 with the correct answer plz post it if i knew it would of said it i am telling you what it said on Google