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Q: What is difference and similarities of nomadic people and sedentary people?
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What are the differences about the nomatic and sedentary lifestyles in arabia?

the nomadic an people are those who are wealthy and the sedentary people are the poor people..

What is the difference between nomadic and sedentary?

Nomadic refers to people or communities who move from place to place with no permanent settlement, while sedentary refers to people who live in one location for an extended period. Nomadic lifestyles are characterized by mobility and reliance on natural resources, while sedentary lifestyles involve permanent structures and agriculture.

What causes a prehistoric nomadic people to become sedentary?

Irrigation in Mesopotamia

Was the Neolithic people nomadic or sedentary?

Neolithic people were primarily sedentary, meaning they lived in permanent settlements rather than being nomadic and continually on the move. This sedentary lifestyle was made possible by advancements in agriculture, allowing for the establishment of more stable communities.

What was the difference between sedentary and nomadic people?

Sedentary people lived in permanent settlements and relied on agriculture for food, while nomadic people moved regularly in search of food and resources, often herding animals. Sedentary societies tended to develop complex social structures and technologies, while nomadic societies developed strong knowledge of their environments and had more flexible social structures.

How are nomadic and sedentary people alike?

they are alike because they are both American tribes

Were mayan's nomadic or sedentary?

The Palaeolithic times started when stone tools were made by humans. At this time the people making them were basically hunter gatherers and therefore nomadic.

Draw a graphic organizer between Nomadic and sedentary?

Nomadic lifestyle: constant movement, reliance on hunting and gathering, live in temporary shelters. Sedentary lifestyle: settled in one place, reliance on agriculture, live in permanent dwellings.

Were people nomadic or sedentary in the Neolithic era?

During the Neolithic era, communities transitioned from being nomadic to more sedentary as they began to practice agriculture and settle in one location to cultivate crops and raise livestock. This shift towards sedentary lifestyles was a key development in the Neolithic period.

What do nomadic and sedentary people in arbia have in common?

Nomadic and sedentary people in Arabia share cultural elements such as language, traditions, and belief systems. They also often rely on similar resources for survival, such as desert flora and fauna. Additionally, both groups have adapted to the challenging climatic conditions of the region.

What was the mot critical of the shifts that allowed sedentary civilizations to dominate nomadic people after the 25th century?

I think you mean 15th since the 25th century hasn't happened yet. But a demographic blow to the nomadic population caused by the Black Death caused sedentary civilizations to gain dominance.