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Q: What is difference between a secular or Jewish state?
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What is a non-religious state?

A secular state. A secular state.

What is one secular country?

The UNITED STATES is a country that guarantees a separation between church and state, making it a secular country.

What is the difference between a secular and theocratic state?

A secular state is one that does not officially align with any religion and ensures separation of religion and government, while a theocratic state is one where religious leaders or religious institutions hold political power and influence government decisions based on religious principles. In a secular state, laws are typically based on democratic principles and human rights, whereas in a theocratic state, laws are often based on religious teachings or interpretations.

Why don't chasidim believe in the Jewish state?

The majority of religious Jews, not only chasidim, are displeased with the secular nature of modern Israel. To have a Jewish state in which a couple of million children know almost nothing about the Torah, is sad.

Why is Pakistan not secular?

no it is not a secular state

What is the difference between secular and a theocracy?

A secular state separates religion and government, allowing individuals to practice any religion or no religion. In contrast, a theocracy is a government where religious leaders or institutions hold political power and make decisions based on religious beliefs or principles.

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What is the difference between a common wealth and a state?

Is Japan a secular state?

Japan is secular.

What is the difference between an empire and a city state?

An empire is a large political entity consisting of different territories, nations, and peoples, usually ruled by a single authority or monarch. A city-state, on the other hand, is a sovereign state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory, often with its own government and independence. City-states are generally smaller and more localized compared to empires.

What is the difference between a city-state and an empire?

a city state does not have an emperor the difference between a city-state and an empire is that a city-state does not have an emperor

What countries are secular?

Countries like France, the United States, and Japan are considered secular, as they have a separation between religion and state and provide equal freedom for all religions.

What is the official religion of Israel?

Israel is a Secular Country and, as a result, has no official religion. However, since Judaism is predominant religion professed by Israelis, Judaism has a pull on governmental affairs. This is no different than how the United States is a Secular Country with no official religion, but Christianity has a pull on government affairs since most Americans profess Christianity. It is a common misconception that because Israel is the Jewish State that the official religion is Judaism. This is a misunderstanding of the term "Jewish" in Jewish State. In this case it refers to Jewish as an ethnic term, so Israel is the Jewish State in the same way that Turkey is the Turkish Republic, as opposed to the way that Iran is the Islamic Republic.