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Gross domestic product can be define as a system of checking difference country product in any given period of a year. while per capital a methods to check induvidual product per year.

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Q: What is difference between gross domestic product and per capita in Norway?
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What is Norways wealth?

The Gross Domestic Product of Norway is about 500 billion dollars.

Is Norway the wealthiest country?

Depends on how you list wealth. If you count gross domestic product Norway is 24. on the list. But you have to remember that Norway only has 4,7 million innhabitans. On living standards Norway historical is the best or top 3 countries in the world. And in money pr. capita Norway is one of the walthiest countries in the world.

What is the time difference between Norway and Newfoundland?

Norway is 4 and a half hours ahead of Newfoundland.

What is the time difference between New York and Trondheim Norway?

5 hours. Example: 8 AM in NY = 1 PM in Norway.

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White Pine has bundles of 5 needles, Red Pine (Norway Pine) has bundles of two.

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The wealthiest countries by GDP (Gross Domestic Product per capita) are: 1. Luxembourg 2. Norway 3. Qatar 4. Iceland 5. Ireland

What is the product of Norway?

Oil and Gaz ;-)

The US has the number one gross domestic product. But countries like iceland Norway and 10 other industrialized nations rank higher on the human development index. why is that?

Resources for any country are finite and there is a balance between GDP and HDI. Iceland and Norway are not as focused on business as the United States. Iceland and Norway put more value on HDI factors. The United States places more value on work and business than on HDI factors.

How many hours difference between Norway and England?

Norway is in the GMT+1 timezone while England is in the GMT timezone meaning there is a one hour difference between them. Note that both countries observe daylight savings and move forward one hour. During these months, Norway is in GMT+2 while England is in GMT+1.

Which country has a lower population density italy or Norway?

Look at a difference answer!:p

Is there a basic difference between glass floats made in Norway and those made in Japan?

it has a certain matirial that can show that maybe that can be removed

What is the strait between Denmark and Norway?

The Skaggerak Strait lies between Denmark and Norway.