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Some People believe that if you go to church you are a christian but it is much more than that to be a christian. There is a difference from saying you are a christian and being one. You have to put your whole life into being one, and following Gods ways. If some one was to come up to you and say " i am a skydiver." you would probably want to see them do it. If you were in a plane with them you would see that there is a difference between saying you a skydiver and actually doing the sky diving, you also have to realize that saying you are a christian because you go to church and living for Christ in and out of church are two completely different things.

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Q: What is difference true Christianity and the Church Religion?
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Religion beliefs are the things that your religion or (church) thinks are true.

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There is only one true religion, the Catholic Church.

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Yes - Christianity, like many religions is evangelistic in that it believes in sharing its beliefs with others and inviting them to become Christians. According to Christianity it does make a difference what you believe, and in the final analysis the Christian religion is actually true and the other religions, while admirable in many ways, are not.

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True Christianity does not need 'capitalism' to exist and thrive. True Christianity does not feature pomp and wealth. True Christianity does not need 'tithing' mandated to it, to exist and thrive. Tithing was mandated for the ancient Israelites to care for their priests, who received no land-inheritance (other than 42 little towns and the surrounding fields.) True Christianity does not have a paid clergy with free residence, free vehicle, and a hefty retirement package. There's a difference between 'true' Christianity, and 'pseudo' Christianity. There actually is a Christian religion that does not tithe; has never passed a collection plate; and has no paid clergy; and does not accumulate wealth. But as your question exposes, -- much of religion, exists because of capitalism, tithing, and plenty of money. It is each ones need to search for something that's different; to being able to recognize the difference between 'true' and 'pseudo' Christianity. The question reflects that the questioner has not found it as yet; and unfairly throws everything into the same barrel.

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Because Islam was protected and is perfect while Christianity started off as true and perfect but was changed as it was passed on.

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Methodism began as a movement within the Anglican church, out of John and Charles Wesley's beliefs that the church was not reaching the working class and that true Christianity requires a change of heart, not just adherence to a set of creeds and rituals.

That churh of god is the true religion?

Yes, every religion for heavenly father is true.

Who founded the religion united Methodist?

Methodism began as a movement within the Anglican church, out of John and Charles Wesley's beliefs that the church was not reaching the working class and that true Christianity requires a change of heart, not just adherence to a set of creeds and rituals.