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Taylor Moore

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Q: What is directly responsible for matter moving and changing in an animals body?
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What is directly responsible for matter moving and changing in an animal's?


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What is directly responsible for matter moving and changing inside Bear's body?


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What is directly responsible for matter moving and changing inside a bear's body?


What type of energy is responsible for a substance changing between the states of matter?

The change in states of matter is due to differences in the potential energy of the particles. For example, when a substance transitions from a solid to a liquid or gas, it absorbs energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the particles together, increasing their kinetic energy and allowing them to move more freely.

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does add color to water tell about changing matter without changing its shape

What is responsible for different states of matter?

Energy is responsible for different states of matter!

Is a quark the same as an energy level?

No, Higgs Boson is a theoretical particle yet to be observed directly or indirectly by humans. Quarks on the other hand have been observed directly and indirectly. Also, the Higgs boson is responsible for a field, however quarks are responsible for matter, and are the basic constituents of the nuclei in atoms.

How is matter changing?

Matter is modified by phases changes.