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bcz they eat plants!!

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Q: What is disadvantage aphid has on a plant or environment?
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Is aphid a plant?

No, aphids are insect pests which suck the juices out of plants

Is there aphid in a park?

Plant roses. You will have all the aphids you want in no time.

What animals eat sedum?

Aphids are the most likely suspects for feeding on and disfiguring your sedum plant. Either the black sedum aphid or the melon aphid may be hiding beneath the leaves and buds of a sedum plant.

What is a baby aphid called?

Baby Aphids are sometimes called plant lice.

What examples are there of aphids?

Aphids [of the superfamily Aphidoidea] also may be called greenflies and plant lice. They account for over 4,400 species spread out over ten families. Some examples include the following:Apple aphid [Aphis mali];Black cherry aphid [Myzus cerasi];Cabbage aphid [Brevicoryne brassicae];Currant lettuce aphid [Nasonovia ribisnigriMosley];Green apple aphid [Aphis pomi];Green peach aphid [Myzus persicae];Rose aphid [Aphis rosae].The above list gives an idea of the range of plant that aphids damage and destroy. But an example also may be given of an aphid that's destructive of plants but helpful to people. It's the Chinese sumac aphid [Melaphis chinensis Bell]. This aphid causes a gall to form on the sumac. From the gall, traditional healers and doctors are able to come up with a treatment plan for coughs, diarrhea, dysentery, and intestinal bleeding.

What plant does ants have a commensalistic relationship with?

Ants will live on roses, mums . The aphid is an insect that live on roses, the ant will "milk" the aphid and tend to it the way a farmer tends to sheep

What is an aphid called in the UK?

Aphid in the UK is called green flies, white flies or black flies. They are a plant lice that destroy plants and flowers making them a farmer's worst nightmare.

What is Disadvantage of industry?

The main disadvantage of industries is the fact that they pollute the environment. Most industrial processes will emit pollutants into the environment.

Some type of white bug is killing your plant what is it?

if it is realy small, it is an aphid. these can be eaten by ladybugs.

What is an aphis?

An aphid is a small, soft-bodied insect that feeds on plant sap. They are often found in large colonies on the leaves, stems, and buds of plants. Aphids can cause damage to plants by sucking out their sap and transmitting plant viruses.

What is the larva of an aphid?

There is no specific term for an aphid larva. It is simply called an "aphid larva".

What is the type of food and mode of feeding of aphid?

Aphids (greenfly) suck a plant's sap. Too many aphids on a plant will cause the plant to wilt. Ladybirds are voracious eaters of aphids.