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Q: What is disadvantage of Back to Back test?
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When the client is experiencing difficulty breathing. It's disadvantage is that it sometimes strains the client's back and legs.

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A fair test is, in short, a test with fair conditions. This means that each time the test is repeated, all of the conditions will be the same. That way, there is no advantage/disadvantage to a set of results.

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they might rip you off and give you the wrong amount back

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It doesn't measure the exact reaction time. Just the average.

What is the use of back to back test in transformer?

Back to back test give data for finding the regulation , efficiency and heating under load condition. Back to back test is performed in the presence of two identical transformer. In this test one transformer remains open and other remains loaded. Hence sumpner's back to back test is generalised form of o/c test and s/c test which is performed within one test only. Hence from this test we find core loss and full load copper loss simultaneously at a time.

Procedure for sumpners test?

Procedure for sumpners test is the single phase transformer. This is a back to back test.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of swinburne test?

The test is economical and convenient since minimal power is needed from the supply to conduct the test. The test's efficiency can also be pre-determined. The main drawback of the test is that iron loss is ignored despite the fact that there is a clear change in iron loss.

What is the use of sumpner's test in transformer?

this test helps in finding the core losses and copper losses in single test , it is also called as back to back test or heat run test .

What is the disadvantage of a lizard dropping its tail?

it will takes weeks to grow back it's tail

How far back can alcohol be detected in a swab test?

Alcohol for a swab test go back