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Q: What is discipline its various types of the discipline?
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Should discipline be there or not?

Discipline is important to maintain structure, order, and respect in various aspects of life. It helps individuals set goals, develop self-control, and achieve success. However, it should be balanced and applied in a fair and consistent manner.

What is Philosophy of discipline?

Philosophy of discipline encompasses the theories and principles that underlie the structure, purpose, and practice of discipline within various contexts, such as education or psychology. It involves examining questions about the nature of discipline, its role in shaping behavior and character, and the ethical considerations involved in its implementation. Philosophical inquiry into discipline can also explore issues of power, authority, and agency in relation to maintaining order and promoting growth and development.

What are 3 types of martial arts discipline?

discipline such as respect the teacher and fellow students, always put your head up high and speak loudly to the teacher and eye contact is always used.