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NO hunted animals.

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Q: What is distinctive about the way meat is prepared in a kosher butcher shop?
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What is the difference between a kosher butcher and a regular butcher?

A kosher butcher will only sell kosher meat. Regular butchers don't sell kosher meat.

Who prepares the meat according to the Jewish law?

A kosher butcher.

How can you use rabbinical in a sentence?

The meat in the kosher butcher-store is under strict rabbinical supervision.

Is duck a kosher meat?

Yes, duck is kosher so long as it is slaughtered and prepared following the laws of kashrut.

What does it mean if a butchers has a horse's head outside?

It means that the butcher is selling horse meat and prepared meat products made of horse meat

Is egg roll kosher or non kosher?

Egg rolls made only with kosher ingredients and prepared in a kosher manner are kosher. Egg rolls with meat in them should not be used in a dairy meal and vice versa.

How do Jew's prepare there meat?

In order for meat to be kosher, animals to be killed quickly and painlessly using a specific method and only by a person specifically trained in this method. The animal also cannot have a disease. The blood must be drained from the meat then the meat is salted to remove all excess blood, certain arteries, nerves, and sections of fat must be removed. One a person has purchased kosher meat, it must then be prepared in a kosher kitchen in order to remain kosher. As to how the meat itself is prepared, that depends on the type of meat, type of cut, and often the cultural background of the cook.

Can Jews eat roast dinner?

Yes, with the following restrictions. The roast beef needs to be purchased from a kosher butcher, and have the blood removed by someone who knows the proper salting process (or it can be done by the butcher). Also, it needs to be cooked in kosher vessels. The pudding, like the beef, needs to be prepared with kosher ingredients in a kosher vessel. Yorkshire pudding is usually prepared with dairy ingredients; and the laws of kosher food prohibit eating meat dishes together with dairy, so the pudding should be eaten one-half hour or more before the meat and cannot have any gravy from the roast beef.

How do you make a hard strictly kosher salami?

When it comes to kashrut, food is either kosher or not, there's no inbetween. In regard to making a kosher salami, it must be prepared in a kosher facility with all kosher ingredients including the meat, spices, and casing.

A butcher is 5' 10tall what does he weigh?

The butcher weighs meat, because he is a butcher and slices meat.

What is the name for someone who prepares and sells meat?

A butcher.

Do Jews eat red meat?

The Torah permits eating (kosher) meat; and on certain (festive) occasions Judaism encourages it. Most Jews eat red meat, though some Jews are vegetarians or have other reasons for not eating red meat. Additionally, for Jews who keep kosher, meat (and fowl) need to be slaughtered and prepared according to kosher specifications.