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To go "elsewhere" means when you're dead and is to decide if your going to heaven or not.

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1mo ago

In "The Giver," elsewhere refers to an unknown destination outside the community where individuals are released when they are deemed no longer useful or have committed a serious transgression. The true nature of elsewhere is kept mysterious and only revealed to a few individuals in the community.

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12y ago

"Elsewhere," essentially means the afterlife of sorts, or at least it means the person is no longer living. When a person is sent "Elsewhere," the person is dead.

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13y ago

When they die, they go to "Elsewhere" just like the elders do. ( they get "put down" ); death; heaven/hell

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12y ago

because their community is enclosed from the outside world... so basically elsewhere is where jonas goes at the end with baby gabe.

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What did Jonas hear as he entered Elsewhere in the giver?

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It is called getting exposed to elsewhere

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In the book, The Giver.

Who is the giver in the The Giver?

That is a very good question. The receiver before Jonas, the Giver, is very mysterious. However, we know that he helped Jonas and Gabriel escape to Elsewhere. I do not know the Giver's name. But we know that he is old because the title shows him as an old man.

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Jonas flees the community after receiving memories from the Giver. He ventures into Elsewhere, leaving the community behind to seek a better life.

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The river in "The Giver" was located on the outskirts of the community, beyond the boundary of the controlled environment. Jonas and the Giver accessed it by traveling through the wilderness.

What is elsewhere in the giver?

I also think it could be considered the world outside of Jonas's society.Elsewhere is a place outside of the community (ies). And it's loads better than the community.

The giver -What does jonas's dad say when a baby is released?

That they go elsewhere, he never mentions that the child gets murdered.

What happens to Jonas and Gabe at the end of the story in The Giver book?

At the end of the story Jonas and Gabe reach elsewhere

Who was the child Jonas saves in The Giver?

The child that Jonas saves in "The Giver" is Gabriel, a baby who is scheduled to be released because he is not developing according to the community's standards. Jonas takes Gabriel with him when he leaves the community in search of Elsewhere.

What was the euphemism for death in jonas's community the giver?

The euphemism for death in Jonas's community in "The Giver" was being "released." It was presented as a peaceful ceremony where individuals were sent to elsewhere, but it was later revealed that it involved lethal injection, not a peaceful transition.

What are jonas's journeys in The Giver?

In "The Giver," Jonas embarks on a physical journey when he runs away from the society to save himself from release, seeking a better life elsewhere. He also goes on an emotional journey as he gains wisdom and understanding about the world beyond his controlled community. Ultimately, Jonas's journey leads him to make a selfless decision to share memories and emotions with the community.