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In dreams, when you feel something 'lost' (like a boyfriend in this case) it often symbolizes the beginning of a new phase of life or express the anxiety of leaving behind the person or thing.

It may be that if you dream about losing your boyfriend, you are actually losing your self-confidence or something in your personality.

An ancient dream book warns that to dream of losing someone means you may cut yourself by accident!

Also dreams aren't always connected to daily life. It may be that you were just worried about him leaving you.

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Q: What is does iT mean to have a dream about your boyfriend breaking up with you?
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The dream does not provide any information from your ex-boyfriend's mother or about your ex boyfriend's emotions or behavior. The dream is a product of your own imagination, and reflects your own hope that your boyfriend misses you.

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What does it mean to dream that you were fighting with your boyfriend and all of a sudden your exs face just pops up?

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