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Q: What is dorky guy?
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Why does a popular guy like a dorky girl?

cause she is not a stuck up person like the 'popular' people are!!

What rhymes with dorky?

"Corky" is a word that rhymes with "dorky."

How big does a dorky dog get?

Depends on how big the dorky owner is.

When was Dorky Park created?

Dorky Park was created in 2003.

Am I Dorky because you wear glasses?

No,you are dorky just because your different.

Can a dorky girl be cute and sweet?

Of course! I'm in love with a sorta dorky girl!

How do impress your crush with being dorky?

Okay, really? You can't impress her by being dorky...what a stupid question, you have to be funny or less dorky, unless you want a dorky girl in which case you should read her a passage from your favorite bug encyclopedia, hope that helps

Is Pokemon dorky?


Is it possible for a nice respectful and cute guy to fall for a ugly nice but kinda dorky and weird girl?

In five words? "It happens all the time".

Does zendaya dorky colmen smoke?

1st shes not dorky 2nd she doesnt smoke shes probly smarter than the peole that do smoke so no shes not dorky and no she doesnt smoke

Is moshi monsters dorky?


Is it dorky to write songs even if they are good?

no way i write songs all the time and i am not dorky and the somgs are good who told you that it is never ever dorky to write songs even if they are bad it is cool everybody writes songs