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Crystal Greidanus

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Q: What is drawn to make fun of candidates with symbols and images?
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What images make the setting of the confrontation seem demonic?

Red glowing eyes, swirling dark smoke, twisted shadows, and eerie symbols drawn on the ground can make the setting of a confrontation seem demonic. These elements evoke a sense of ominousness, danger, and supernatural presence.

Why do the members of coldplay have symbols drawn on their hands and clothing?

they are showing their support on "Make Trade Fair"... to know more about it go here:

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you can make these symbols ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + [ ] { } [ ] | : " < > ? * - + = \ ; ' . , / ` ~

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highlights about yourself that make you stand out from all other candidates.

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Why do candidates say they approve this messages?

This is to ensure that people do not make ads that are either unfair or do not agree with the message the candidates are trying to promote. This ensures that people do not make ads that are wither blatantly false or contradict the candidates message.

How can you relate art into religion?

You can make images of things that are represented in the history of your religion. You can make images of the religions founders. You can make images of things that can't be said verbally to express an idea.