

What is drummer's leg?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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Drummers leg

There is a rare but real condition that strikes drummers. The medical condition is common in the general population, mostly in older sedentary people with underlying serious medical conditions like cancer. It is called a Deep Venous Thrombosis and it can be career ending for a professional drummer. It is a blood clot that forms in the posterior leg somewhere between the calf and the lower hamstring. The signs are pain and swelling in the lower leg. In a drummers' situation, it arises from chronic microtrauma from the constant pounding of the foot on the bass drum. Once the clot forms the consequence may be the breaking of the clot from the deep veins of the leg. It will travel "downstream" and end up in the lung causing a Pulmonary Embolism (a blood clot to the lung)- Picture the cool segments on the TV show CSI to get a visual! Pulmonary Embolism frequently ends in death. The only treatment is strict bedrest for 72-96 hours and a strong bloodthinner (Warfarin/Coumadin) that must be monitored closely for 3-6 months or at the discretion of your doc. Too much Coumadin and bleeding occurs (nose, gums, urine, and sometimes into the brain). Too little Coumadin and the clot gets bigger and can compromise blood return from you leg resulting in painful swelling. Obviously, no playing drums for these patients. The chance for recurrence is quite high. So the best option is to not get one in the first place.

How do you avoid one? Sometimes you can't. You can try stretching and maintaining good hydration. Another good idea is to go light on the stomping... you will get the added benefit of making your drum head lasting longer. Good Luck!

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