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Q: What is eating your philodendrons?
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Why do philodendrons make excellent houseplnts?

why do philodendrons make excellent houseplants

Are philodendrons houseplants harmful to pets?

Yes, philodendrons are poisonous to pets.

Are philodendrons poisonous to children?


What eats philodendrons?

Philodendrons are ground and tree-climbing plants in the tropical and subtropical Americas. Other than crawling larva of various insects, there are no direct feeders on philodendrons. Many species contain chemicals that are irritating to animals and some that are toxic to mice and rats. Some species of philodendrons are tropical epiphytes and secrete nectar that attracts ants to fertilize them in a symbiotic relationship.

Are philodendrons edible to humans?

Are phillodendrums edible

why do philodendrons make excellent houseplants?

Obviously, they care for the trees because they love trees. Take that mr robinson!!! Ho Ho Ho!!

What kind of sunlight do philodendron plants need?

There are various philodendrons, as such they have differing light requirements. A general "middle of the road" answer is high light intensity, but filtered (in-direct)

Are philodendrons poison for dogs?

Yes it can kill your dog in second it continues to flow through your dogs blood vessels until it finally turns them black which can happen over 3 to 6 days.

What are the affects of philodendron on dogs?

Philodendrons are toxic to dogs. If dogs eat any part of the philodendron plant, it can cause irritation and swelling of the dog's mouth, throat and kidneys. If the dog eats enough of the plant, he could die.

What is climber and what are some examples?

A climber is a vining plant that will climb up something like a tree, fence, trellis, etc. Some examples are morning glory flowers, philodendrons, pole beans, grape vines, and other vines.

What other plants grow without soil besides orchid?

The following houseplants will grow in water Arrowhead vine, Chinese evergreen pothos philodendrons, dracaenas, tree ivy, swedish ivy, dumb cane, English ivy, umbrella plant, wandering Jew

eating ?
