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Q: What is effect salinity and temperature have on water density?
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What two things effect the density of water?

Temperature and Salinity.

What 3 factors affect the density of sea water?

Temperature, pressure, and common ion effect

How does the calinity of water effect temperature and water currents?

Salinity, or saltiness, affects how readily the water changes temperatures as well as its density. Because of this, currents in the water can arise not only from the difference in temperature, but also from the density difference, which comes from the salinity itself.

What is the effect of temperature salinity on the density of water?

The effect of temperature is that the warm water is denser than colder water, since the molecules are spread out so the warm water sinks to the bottom. The affect of salinity is that since the water is salanatized it sinks to the bottom while the fresh water floats (due to the amount of salinity).

What is the density of water affected by?

Temperature and Salinity

Which part of the water column is the saltiest?

Surface water has the highest salinity, however it is also the warmest, and because temperature has more effect on the density than the salinity, it rises to the top.

How does water temperature affect water salinity?

The temperature and salinity of seawater determine its density. Water gets denser as it gets saltier and reaches a maximum density at 4 °C. Salinity does affect the boiling point and freezing point of water, but not its temperature.

How does water sink and float?

Water in water sinks/floats depending mostly on salinity and temperature, note that these two items effect the density of water.

What are the factors that influence the density of water?

Temperature and Salinity

What two things affects the density of the water?

The temperature and the salinity affect water's density.

How does temperature affect the density of ocean water?

Less dense water floats on top of more dense water. Given two layers of water with the same salinity, the warmer water will float on top of the colder water. There is one catch though! Temperature has a greater effect on the density of water than salinity does.

What two properties determine the density of sea water?

Temperature and Salinity. Both are important although temperature has a much greater effect than salinity on seawater density.