

What is effector organ?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is effector organ?
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What is the difference between a stimulus impulse receptor and effector?

A Receptor is referring to a sense organ, like a nerve ending. An Effector is referring to a muscle capable of reflecting to a stimulus. By definition, receptor and effector are antonyms.

What is an effector organ in human biology?

Effector organ is a part of the body that responds to a stimulus and a stimulus is a change in the environment that is detected by a receptor. And is a receptor is a nerve cell that detects a stimulus.

When the parasympathetic division is stimulated what neurotransmitter is released at the effector organ?


What is the name of the neuron that contacts the effector organ?

Motor neurons are able to create a response in effector organs, muscles and glands by sending signals to them.

What is an example of an effector?

In biology, an effector is an organ that reacts to the external stimuli on receiving signals from the central nervous system. An example is when the adrenal gland secretes adrenaline in response to stress or danger.

In a negative feedback loop the effector organ produces changes that are?

opposite in direction to the change produced by the initial stimulus

Is the axon the conduction component of a neuron?

Yes, the axon conducts the action potential from the cell body to the effector organ.

What neurotransmitter is used by most postganglionic sympathetic neurons?

At the effector end (nerve to effector organ junction) the transmitter is Nor Adrenaline. However, at the nerve-nerve junctions (ganglions) the transmitter is Acetyl Choline.

What are effector organs for sight and sound?

It's not easy to be sure what is meant here. The sight organ is the eye, and the sound organ is the ear, but these are sense organs, i.e. they contain receptors. The larynx makes sound, and this could be classed as an effector if you shout in response to a stimulus, but you can't really think of sight in this way.

Where do immature T-cells mature into effector T-cells and memory T-cells?

thymus, which is a small organ that is located in the chest.

Why tongue may be considered to be both a receptor and an effector organ?

It is a receptor because it has gustatory organs called taste buds that have chemoreceptors and it is an effector because it is also made of muscles that help you manipulate and swallow food, as well as speak. So, it does both recepting and effecting.

A rapid simple automatic response that involves few neurons is?

A reflex action is a fast, automatic response to a stimulus by an effector organ i.e. a muscle.