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Q: What is elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means is a?
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What does seismic wave mean?

An elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means

What are seimics waves?

A seimic wave is an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means. <This answer is so right you better look at it for 999 times> hehehe

What does earth tremor mean?

Earth tremor means Earthquake

What are examples of epicenter?

An epicenter means the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake probably means where the spot on the earth's surface where the earthquake is really strong. To find a specific example, I suggest you search earthquakes.

The science of earthquake comes from which greek word?

Science of earthquakes = seismology. 'Seismos' is the Greek word for Earthquake and Ology means 'the study of'.

Why did they name earthquake?

Quake means to shake or tremble. This describes what is happening to the earth during such an event

What is the difference between natural and cultural world heritage?

natural means produced by nature (part of the earth). cultural means produced by man.

What happens to the Earth's crust during an earthquake?

it erodes but i cant erode cauz erode means to eat through so it shifts

Why might the Earth's plates show irregularities just before an earthquake?

Earthquakes happen because of friction and shifting of the Earth's plates. This means it is very common to see irregularities in the plates just before an earthquake.

What makes material stretchy?

Materials (i assume you mean clothes of fabrics) are stretchy due to the amount of elastic in the fabric. More elastic means stretchier fabric, less elastic means it will not be as stretchy.

How faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the stress energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces.

What does major earthquake mean?

It means that the earthquake is large and powerful.