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Q: What is election month of the United States?
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Who won election of 1840?

The United States presidential election of 1840 resulted in defeat for Democrat Martin Van Buren, and a win for William H. Harrison for the Whig Party. Harrison died about a month after his inauguration.

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The United States presidential election of 1789 was the first presidential election in the United States of America, and was the only one to not take place in an even numbered year.

When is the next government election?

The next government election in the United States will be in 2016.

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Paul Ryan is a United States Representative from Wisconsin. He also ran for Vice President of the United States in the 2012 election.

What are two reasons that this election is so historical?

1) It was the first national level election to be held in the United States in 2008. 2) It was the last national level election to be held in the United States in 2008.

What election did James Madison come president?

United states Presidential election, 1808.

What month did brock become president for the first time?

President Barack Obama became the president for the first time in the month of January. The President of the United States always assumes office on January 20, the year following their election (president election takes place in November).

When is the general election held?

The general election is held in the United States on the Tuesday following the first Monday in the month of November. This can be between the 2nd and the 8th.

The election of Lincoln caused southern states to?

The election of Lincoln caused the southern states to hold their own independent election. This was done in opposition of Abraham Lincoln being the president of the United States.

Where did the election of 1860 take place?

The election took place in all states that were part of the United States in 1860. Abraham Lincoln won.

Will there be no school on election day 2009?

There is usually school on election days in the United States, including 2009.

Did the election of 1984 take place first?

The United States held its presidential election in 1984 as scheduled.