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Q: What is emotion did Helen have after breaking the doll?
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When Immediately after throwing her new doll to the floor and breaking it what emotion does Helen feel?

Helen may feel a combination of anger, regret, and possibly guilt or sadness for breaking her new doll. She might also feel frustration or disappointment in herself for losing control and causing damage.

How does Helen feel immediatey after breaking her new doll?

Delight at feeling the broken pieces of the doll.

Why does Helen feel bad about breaking the doll at the end of the chapter?

She realizes that it has a specific name.

How do Helen's feelings about breaking the doll change after she realizes that objects have specific names?

She Feels sorrow and Regret.

What did Helen Keller call her doll?

i think Lucie doll

What was the first word miss Sullivan teaches Helen to spell?


What is Helen Keller's best doll's name?

Her best doll is called Nancy.

What is Helen Keller's favorite doll's name?

The name of Helen Keller's favorite doll is unknown. However it is known that her teacher Anne Sullivan, gave her a doll and showed her how to spell it into her hand.

What is Helen Kellers favorite doll?

Helen Keller's favorite doll was named Miss Pinkerton. She cherished this doll greatly as it was a gift from her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan. Helen even refers to Miss Pinkerton in her autobiography, "The Story of My Life."

What two phrases does Annie teach Helen by letting Helen feel Annie's face?

Annie teaches Helen the signs for "water" and "doll" by letting Helen feel her face and then making Helen feel a water pump and a doll.

What emotion did Annie elicit from Helen in order to reestablish touching her?

Annie elicits the emotion of trust in Helen to reestablish touching her. Through her consistent and patient care, Annie is able to rebuild the trust between herself and Helen, which allows Helen to willingly accept her touch again.

Why is Helen troubled by Aunt Ev's towel doll?

Helen is troubled by Aunt Ev's towel doll because she believes it to be a jinx, bringing bad luck to those around it. The doll represents a superstition or belief that has been passed down through generations, causing fear and unease in Helen.