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poaching, not hunting

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Q: What is endangered animal hunting?
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How did the wolly mokey become endangered?

It become endangered when people started hunting and killing the animal too much.

How are animals becoming endangered?

One way for an animal to be endangered is over hunting, traping, killing, eating purposes, and for goods such as hides and bones.

What steps have been taken to protect wolverine animal?

There are certain hunting restrictions on this species, but it is not an endangered species.

What are endangered rainforest animals?

Are threats to hunting animals, Illegal animal trade, And also habitat loss

When did endangered animal hunting begin?

The animals were not endangered at the time they had started to be hunted, however it depends on what animal you are talking about. If you are talking about poaching then it began as soon as animals started being protected (1973 officially in America).

What is the relasionship between legal hunting and poaching?

Poaching is illegal hunting. The difference? One is illegal, one isn't. Generally it would be illegal, because the animal is endangered, or you are hunting on private property.

Why the animals are endangered?

Most are not endangered. Only a small percentage are. The reason they are endangered varies from species to species. Over hunting, loss of habitat, introducing invasive species are all reasons for animal endangerment.

Why are most the animals endangered?

Most are not endangered. Only a small percentage are. The reason they are endangered varies from species to species. Over hunting, loss of habitat, introducing invasive species are all reasons for animal endangerment.

Why are you hunting animals and what are you doing to them?

hunting for food is one thing, hunting for sport is another. I am totally against hunting for sport when you hunt you should try to use as much as possible of the animal. and if the animal is endangered don't hunt them at all we humans can live without fur coats, fur mittens, fur boots, and fur blankets! alaskanorth, animal lover (but not vegetarian)

do you care for endangered animals do you have an endangered animal .?

I do care but I do not have an endangered animal...

How are wolves endangered?

Hunting, forestry, accidents, destruction of their habitats, humans in general.Wolves are endangered by habitat loss, and hunting.

Is a wale endangered animal?

yes it is an endangered animal