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the answer is pepsin.

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Q: What is enzyme that begins milk digestion?
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Which digestive enzyme begins chemical digestion of protein?


What enzymes begins milk digestion?


Digestion of food begins where?

Digestion of food begins in your mouth. You have amylase enzyme, also called as ptylin present in your saliva to digest the starch.

Where does digestion of food begins?

Digestion of food begins in your mouth. You have amylase enzyme, also called as ptylin present in your saliva to digest the starch.

Where does carbohydrate digestion begin and how does this digestion occur?

Carbohydrate digestion starts with the mastication (chewing of the mouth). There, the salivary amylase begins to break down the carbs into monosaccharides. Protein digestion begins in the stomach. Pepsin comes into play here and various enzyme proteases do as well

In humans chemical digestion is accomplished by enzyme action that begins in the mouth and end in the?

Digestion ends in the large intestine.

Which enzyme is produced by the salivary glands and begins the chemical digestion of carbohydrates?


What substance in mouth contains an enzyme that begins chemical digestion?

salivary amalaze

What enzyme begins the breakdown of protein?

HCL (hydrochloric acid) begins digestion in stomach.

Churns food and begins protein digestion?

When pepsinogen is mixed with hydrochloric acid, it makes pepsin. Pepsin is the enzyme that begins the digestion of proteins in stomach.

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What is the gastric enzyme found in infants?

Rennin, it helps with digestion of milk during infancy and childhood