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This is not only a matter of etiquette , but of law and custom. In some states , you cannot marry your first cousin. Some faiths say up to 3rd cousin.

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Q: What is etiquette of marrying cousins?
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Can you have a healthy child after marrying your cousin?

Yes. The risks are overrated. Genetic defects create problems if the families have been intermarrying for many generations. One single generation of cousins marrying don't have a high risk of genetic defects. Many Muslim communities marry their first cousins. Because they have been doing so for many generations, they are at higher risks for genetic disorders. The Royal families of Europe have been intermarrying for generations. That creates risks. But a one off case of cousins marrying and having kids is not high on the risk charts. The social rules that frown on cousins marrying are to avoid genetic disorders if the trend went on for many generations. Not so for a single generation.

What it called when In some states it's illegal for first cousins to get married?

All states have restrictions about marrying relatives. The degree of separation varies widely. Some allow 1st cousins, some do not.

In blue lagoon movie were they cousins?

Yes, although because it was in the Victorian Era marrying cousins wasn't that unusual, and because they were abandoned at such a young age they didn't really undertsnad the whole concept of being related.

A lady harassing her first cousion mentally and then marrying Is there any law to get a divorce?

Yes there is a law, as they both are blood related as they are cousins, and he has forced her to mrry him.

Is it reasonable to make the marriage between my son and daughter of my elderbrother's daughter?

In the uk - cousins marrying is not illegal but people have varying moral view points on it

Do kurdish men marry their nieces?

Depends. Maybe the family will want to carry on with their tradition by marrying off each other to a family member e.g. Cousins

Why is it illegal to date siblings and cousins?

It is not illegal to date anyone. It is illegal to engage in sexual activity with siblings. This is called incest. While it is typically socially taboo to date or have sex with cousins, it is not illegal in most states.

How serious will a child's birth defects be if their parents are second cousins?

There wont be any. There's many who think being cousins will make you have birth defects but this is not the case. The research show that the risk to get a child with birth defects if you are first cousins is just as small as if you were not related at all. So for second cousins there is no risk. The families where marrying cousins is common and the kids do have birth defects is families who have practiced cousin marriage for generations. Not enough new DNA.

Can you marry your second cousin?

Yes, in most places you can marry your second cousin. However, some people and some cultures are uncomfortable with such a marriage. All the States in the US allow the marriage of 2nd cousins. A number of states allow the marriage of 1st cousins. From religious point of view, most religions do not forbid it. Christianity, Judaism and Islam say nothing about the prohibition of first cousins marrying let alone second cousins.

Can you have a relationship with your 2nd girl cousin if you can't let her go and you know she's the one that you want to be with for the rest of your life?

I know that there is no law in the UK which prevents first cousins from marrying, but I believe there are states in the US which prevent first cousins from marrying. In general it is better not to marry so close, you need to think about any children you may produce, is there is any genetic disorder hidden in your shared blood line this may express itself in your offspring.