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Q: What is evidence of bias for the pearl harbor speech?
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What part of speech is bias?

"bias" is a noun.

What are three ways Pearl Harbor changed society?

It ignited a righteous anger, created a short term bias against the Japanese and created a long term interest in military preparedness.

Which speech would have the least bias?

A speech to inform people about space travel ~

What part of speech does bias play in this sentence The pattern cautioned that users be sure to choose a fabric with a marked bias?

Bias is a noun in that sentence.

Why is bias dangerous?

A bias is a prejudice, so to have one means your mind is already made up and any evidence you collect will be interpreted to suit that bias.

Why is a bias dangerous?

A bias is a prejudice, so to have one means your mind is already made up and any evidence you collect will be interpreted to suit that bias.

Which of the four words is not a characteristic of scientific method logic imagination bias evidence?

bias is not a characteristic of scientific method

What are the pros and cons of media bias?

you might find evidence here

What term do psychologists use to describe your tendency to search for evidence that supports your belief and to ignore evidence that might disprove it?

confirmation bias

What is the tendency for people to pay attention only to evidence that supports their beliefs?

Confirmation Bias

What is the tendency to look for supportive evidence rather than actively seeking out contradictory evidence?

This is called confirmation bias (see wiki/Confirmation_bias).

When might a historians point of view become bias?

When the historian has no evidence to back up his theory