

What is evolution and how is it classified?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.

It is a fact.

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Q: What is evolution and how is it classified?
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The evolution of financial management can be classified in to three stages: 1. Traditional Stage 2. Transitional Stage 3. Modern Stage

Did Darwin theory if evolution affect the way species are classified?

No Darwin's theory was not directly linked to classification .

What role did Aristotle play in the understanding of evolution?

He was one of the first to propose that all living things are related and he classified them in a nested hierarchy.

Why is evolution reffered to as a theory?

I don't exactly know why evolutionists refer to it as a theory, but I do know this. A theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning. According to the definition of a theory, evolution is not a theory. Evolution cannot be based on observation. No one was here to observe it. So evolution should be classified as a hypothesis not a theory. It is only a guess as to how things came about.

Does mew evolve into Mewtwo?

mew evovle into mewtwo if you somehow make a egg so it evoves into mewtwo if you get luckyActually, Mewtwo is NOT an evolution of Mew. Scientist created mewtwo out of DNA from mew, so it is classified as an "evolution". But you cannot take a Mew and evolve it.

Why are Darwin's ideas classified as a scientific theory?

Because he studied organisms very closely and propounded the theory of evolution with the phrase 'Struggle for existence and survival of the fittest organisms'.

The reptile which was the ancestor of mammals can be classified as a?

There's a misconception at work here. The reptilian branch of evolution did not spawn the mammalian branch of evolution. You need to go back to the reptilian ancestor that was also a mammalian ancestor. We humans do have what is referred to as a reptilian brain, which is a small part of our whole brain.

Why is the Renaissance and the Reformation classified as revolution?

The Renassiance was more of an evolution of culture, which was exceeding its highest form of art and music. The Protestant Reformation, however, was more of a revolution because it was a rebellion against the church's ways.

What are species who have similar evolutionary histories classified more closely together?

Biology classified organism by evolutionary link thus one with the closest common ancestor would put it near each other. Though one from a far ancestor might have more similar appearance than their relatives. It is just how evolution work.

What is the difference between macro evolution and micro evolution?

The difference is one of scale and scope. This is best explained using a single species and its descendants as an example:Every change that happens to the species up to the point of speciation would be classified as "micro-evolution". But after speciation, divergence would not stop: the two new species would continue to diverge from one another, possibly resulting in yet more branching events, more new species. The scope would increase to include all of those as well. At this scale, we're talking about "macro-evolution". When we zoom in on one of those newly emerged species, we can see that the resulting "macro-evolution" is still being generated by the cumulative effects of "micro-evolution" within each individual population.

Is this following sentence true or false Darwin's theory of evolution did not affect the way in witch species were classified?

False. Relationships that that were not apparent to classifiers before the theory of evolution by natural selection was developed were brought into sharp relief by the theory. Mans place in nature, such as his close relationship with the great apes, could now be seen clearly.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and language evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.