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Because he studied organisms very closely and propounded the theory of evolution with the phrase 'Struggle for existence and survival of the fittest organisms'.

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Q: Why are Darwin's ideas classified as a scientific theory?
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How can you use scientific theory in a sentence?

Scientists believe that the scientific theory is the best way to solve the problem statement. just write ideas about scientific theory.

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.

What are Charles Darwins 6 ideas?

'N stuff

What is a system of ideas called?

Such a system is called a theory. For example, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, or Newton's Theory of Universal Gravitation, or Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Are theories proved scientific ideas?

Putting it simply, theories and ideas are not proven scientific facts, but remain as such, an idea or a theory which have yet still to be proven.

The difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law is that a scientific theory?

a scientific theory is a description of an observed phenomenon while a scientific theory is an explanation of an observed phenomenon

What is the process for changing scientific Ideas?

Briefly, the scientific method essentially involves postulating a theory, and then that theory will either stand or fall on the evidence of future experiments.

What were J J Thomson's scientific ideas called?

J.J. Thomson's scientific ideas were called the atomic theory. In 1897 he discovered the electron and came up with a new theory that atoms were made up of small particles.

Why are Darwins ideas widely accepted today?

Probably because they're very scientific, rely upon the hypothetico-deductive method, and have stood against disproof for many years.

What scientific ideas did Isaac Newton got?

The most famous theory he found out was; gravity.

Explain how scientific theories differ from scientific laws?

because i a theory is someones idea of what happend, that is debaitable with many diffrent ideas. but a scientific law is what is it.

Which is not one of darwins four main ideas of natural selection?

Abiogenesis, or more commonly known as the origin of life itself, is not part of Darwin's theory of evolution.