

What is expressive value?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Expressive value can be understood as every dimension (in the realm of ideas) which, in its broadest sense, enlarges cultural meaning and understanding. Professor David Throsby has identified the following dimensions of the expressive values in which the creative industries deal: Aethetic value; Spiritual value; Social value; Historical Value; Symbolic value; Authenticity value.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Expressive value refers to the emotional, aesthetic, or symbolic significance of a work of art or literature. It is the capacity of a piece of art to convey or evoke feelings, ideas, or experiences beyond its literal content. Artists often strive to create work that has strong expressive value in order to engage and move their audience.

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